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E-Liner EMIT

The E-Liner EMIT for Ejection Mitigation tests in the vehicle interior


E-Liner EMIT is available in two versions – as single test system or as universal test system.

E-Liner EMIT Module

The E-Liner EMIT acceleration unit relies on the proven electric drive of FronTone and therefore is the first exclusively electrically driven test system for Ejection Mitigation tests in the vehicle interior. It complies with all requirements of FMVSS226 final rule of January 13, 2011, such as:

  • Friction at 100 kg loaded weight: max 30 N
  • Static deflection at 100 kg loaded weight in all directions: max 8,5 mm
  • Head impactor can be rotated 360° in steps of 5°
  • The guiding unit can also be rotated 360° in steps of 90° to fulfill the calibration requirements of the test procedure

And also:

  • no preliminary tests necessary
  • maintenance-free
  • easy and safe handling
  • in continuous operation at customer's site since March 2011
  • speed accuracy: +/- 0,05 km/h
  • trigger reproducibility: +/- 0,5 ms


FronTone's Ejection Mitigation module can be integrated into existing test stands using either our electric drive or the drive of the existing test stand.

Please contact us if you are interested.



         E-Liner EMIT test system                                               E-Liner EMIT module